54. How to help our wives WANT to have sex by getting back to basics with Keith & Sheila Gregoire

Jun 09, 2023

In today's episode, Eric has a great conversation with Sheila and Keith Gregoire around his favorite topic: SEX

We chat about: 
➡️ How men and women view sex in marriage.
➡️ What exactly is the orgasm gap?
➡️ Why having more sex isn't always the solution to your problem
➡️ And a simple way for men to create intimacy so your wife wants to have sex with you!

Keith and Sheila Gregoire hail from Belleville, Ontario, where Keith is a busy pediatrician and Sheila is an award-winning author and popular blogger. In their 30 years of marriage, they’ve lived through grad school, medical residency, the birth of three children, and the death of one. And through it all, they’ve realized that clinging to each other, and to God, in the rough times is so much better than trying to go it alone. Together they have a passion for marriage, and they speak at marriage retreats and at FamilyLife Canada weekend conferences.

Guest Links:
Sheila's Website (find books, blog, podcast, and more)


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